Virtual Workshops

  • The Real Results UDL Workshop

    What if you and your team could get better at using UDL in just 90 minutes? This workshop is customized to your learning goals to deliver real results. No canned workshops here.

    Contact me to learn more.

  • UDL 101 - The Half Day Experience

    Need to get on the same page about UDL? This foundational half day virtual workshop helps you and your colleagues get on the same page about UDL. Once you’re on the same page, you can move forward together with confidence and clarity.

    Contact me to learn more.

  • UDL, Accessibility, and Academic Accommodations

    How does work in these three critical areas cooperate, not duplicate? How does it impact people, processes, and practices? Get these questions answered and more. This workshop is best fit for Accessibility Services professionals and partners.

    Contact me to learn more.

UDL Masterclasses

  • UDL Informed Teaching, Learning, and Leadership

    How do you integrate UDL into your teaching, learning, and leadership practice? How do you use UDL to inform decision making and strategy?

    Learn more.

  • UDL Informed Course Design

    How do you layer and grow UDL in your course design practice? How do you answer the question “is this course UDL?”

    Learn more.